Using Saildocs Relay with a CSV file

The Saildocs email "relay" feature can also be used with a CSV file containing addresses and other fields. The CSV file must have a header line, with a list of column-names as the first row of the file. These names must be unique (i.e. not duplicated), and should not contain commas. One of the columns of course must contain properly-formatted email addresses.

The first two lines of the message itself are special, to specify which column-headers in the CSV file are used for the TO and (optionally) CC address for each message. For example these two lines:

To: Main email
CC: CCEmail

This can be followed by a blank line if desired. These lines are removed when the message is sent.

Other fields can be inserted into the message by including that CSV header with <> brackets, for example:
Dear ,

This will insert the contents of the "first name" column into the email as it is sent.

Attach the CSV file and send the message (plain-text format works best) to:

You will get a confirmation indicating how many email's (and cc's) were send, and a listing of any badly-formatted addresses. Any bounce messages should come back to your sending address.

Here is a sample message:

To: email address
CC: CC email

Dear ,

This is a test message regarding .

All the best,

For this example, a CSV file might be:

email address,CC email,first name,last name,comment,,John,Doe,,,Sam,Smith,comment goes here

Missing email or cc-addresses is fine, Saildocs simply won't send messages in that case. A count is returned with the confirmation.